Before starting the installation:

Mandatory need:

Have a local or remote server ready to go. You must have access to files/folders on the server. Usually this is shell or FTP access, which is issued by the hosting provider. Or is it a hosting control panel that is provided by the provider to manage files on the server and the server as a whole;

Make sure the server is suitable for WordPress. In general, 90% of providers are suitable for WordPress and you should not worry too much about this. WordPress requires:

PHP version 5.2.4 or higher (5.6 recommended).

MySQL version 5.6 or higher (5.6 recommended).

50 megabytes of space on the server.

32 megabytes of RAM on the server.

You can get this information from your hosting provider.

I recommend hosting: I have been using it for a long time and I can say a lot of good things about it. Also good: and Eurobyte.

You need WordPress itself:

Latest version of WordPress:

Normal text editor to modify files. I recommend downloading Notepad++. One way or another, it will come in handy when working with the site.

FTP client is a program for uploading files to a server. I recommend filezilla. However, you can do without a program, modern hosting providers provide a convenient web interface for working with files on the server.

Installation in 5 minutes

Installation without creating a wp-config.php file and other files, everything is done by WordPress itself. But for such an installation, the server must allow the creation and editing of files in folders.

In any case, try installing this way first, if it doesn’t work, then use the following method, where the wp-config.php file needs to be created manually.


1. Download WordPress.

Copy all WordPress files from the downloaded ZIP archive to the root directory of the server (to the site folder). The following folders/files are copied:






2. Create a database on the server.

It is created in the server control panel. When you create a database, you bind a MySQL user to it – he must have all possible rights: change, create databases and tables in them, etc.

3. Open a browser and go to your site.

Go to the link, where is your site, the following window will appear:

Installation in 10 minutes

If it was not possible to install in the first way, then use this instruction.

If something is not clear or you want to delve into the details, see each item in detail below.

Create a database on the server that WordPress will use. When creating a database, you bind a MySQL user to it – he must have all possible rights: change / create the database and tables in it, etc.

Download WordPress (ZIP archive) and extract it to your computer;

Open the unpacked wordpress folder and rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php – this is the main WordPress configuration file;

Open wp-config.php in a text editor and specify the settings for connecting to the database you just created:

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘name’); // Database name

define(‘DB_USER’, ‘username’); // MySQL username

define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’); // Database access password

Host the WordPress files on the server. There are several options here:

Installation in the root directory is the directory on the server where the site “looks” . Copy the contents of the unpacked wordpress folder (where the wp-config.php file is located) to the root folder of the server (usually the www or public_html folder).

Installation in subdirectory . Rename the unpacked wordpress folder to the name where you want to install WordPress (for example blog) and copy this folder to the root directory on the server. Let’s say you want to install the system in the blog folder on the server, then you need to rename “wordpress” to “blog” and copy it to the root of the server.

In a browser, follow the link to your site.

If you installed to the root of the server, then you need to follow the link: and you will be transferred to;

If you installed it in a separate folder (let’s say “blog”), then you need to follow the link: and you will be transferred to

If everything is done correctly, you will see the WordPress installation dialog (see above). Then do everything as it is written there and in a couple of minutes the site will be ready for work.

And now, let’s take a closer look at each installation item.

Step: Download and Unpack WordPress Files

Download and extract the WordPress distribution to your computer.

Next, upload all the files from the downloaded archive to the root directory of the site on the server.

The root directory is the folder to which the URL of your site belongs: , usually such folders on the server are called www or public_html.

The following folders/files are copied:






Uploading WordPress directly to the server

If you have shell access to a web server and experience with console applications, you can download WordPress directly to the web server without your computer using the wget command: Next, extract the distribution using the command: tar -xzvf

The WordPress distribution will be unpacked into the wordpress folder and will be located in the same folder as the archive.

If you don’t have shell access, or experience with console applications, you can upload WordPress directly to a web server.